
Chest Workout Professional Fitness Instructional Wall Chart Poster - Fitnus Posters Inc.

Chest Workout Professional Fitness Instructional Wall Chart Poster - Fitnus Posters Inc.

  • USD $19.95
Publisher: Fitnus Posters Inc.
Size: 24" x 36"
Condition: Brand New! Printed on premium-quality heavy stock.

Item #: FI-NFC04

A must-have companion to any serious workout! From the essential Fitnus series of professional health club wall charts, this instructional poster features the eight key weightlifting exercises to give you the perfect upper body. From the world leader in professional workout charts, Bruce Algra's Fitnus Corp. - seen on the walls of better health clubs and gyms around the world!

Featured Exercises: Bench Press, Dumbell Press, Dumbell Pullover, Dumbell Fly, Decline Press, Incline Dumbell Fly, Incline Press, Incline Dumbell Press.

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