
Love Inspirational Poster (I Corinthians 13) - Wizard & Genius 2001

Love Inspirational Poster (I Corinthians 13) - Wizard & Genius 2001

  • USD $19.95
Publisher: Wizard & Genius, 2001
Size: 16" x 20"
Condition: Brand New!

Item #: WG-06916

is patient, Love is kind. Love shows no sign of envy or pride. Love displays no anger. Love is blind to wrongdoing. Love is very forgiving. Love takes no delight in evil. Love rejoices in truth. Love always protects, always trusts. Love always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Together, Love, Faith and Hope can never be broken. But, of all these things, the Greatest, will forever be

A beautiful tribute to the most beautiful of human emotions! Wonderful inspiration for the wall of home, office, dorm room or church hall.

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