
Yoga Chakras and Mudras Yoga Studio Wall Chart Poster - Eurographics Inc.

Yoga Chakras and Mudras Yoga Studio Wall Chart Poster - Eurographics Inc.

  • USD $17.95
Publisher: Eurographics Inc.
Size: 24" x 36"
Condition: Brand-new.

Item #: EU2450-1017

A must for the wall of any Yoga studio! This brilliant poster outlines the seven Chakras and their corresponding points on the Merudanda (Cerebrospinal Axis): Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishudda, Anahata, Manipura, Svadhistana, and Muladhara. In addition, it outlines the importance of the Mudras in establishing strong mind and body communication. Expertly designed by Yoga masters, this is both an attractive work of art, and an educational and instructive chart for your wall!

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