
Famous Inventors Historical Educational Wall Chart Poster - Eurographics Inc.

Famous Inventors Historical Educational Wall Chart Poster - Eurographics Inc.

  • USD $17.95
Publisher: Eurographics Inc.
Size: 24" x 36"
Condition: Brand New!

Item #: EU2450-1999

A true inspiration to would-be captains of science and industry! This amazing poster celebrates 50 of history's greatest inventors and their key inventions - from Johannes Gutenberg and his 15th century invention of the printing press, to Galileo Galilei's 16th century telescope and thermometer, to Eli Whitney's cotton gin, Alfred Nobel's dynamite, Karl Benz's automobile, Alexander Graham Bell's telephone, George Eastman's camera box, Nikola Tesla's Electrical Alternating Current and Transformers; Wilbur & Orville Wright's airplane, all the way to Presper Eckert's ENIAC computer, a world of modern greatness comes alive here with pictures, text and graphics. Enhanced with a graphical timeline, this is both a spectacular work of poster art, and a great educational and motivational tool! Perfect for the wall of home, office, classroom or laboratory! Inventors included: Gutenberg; Leonardo Da Vinci; Tycho Brahe; Gaileo; Christian Huygens; Isaac Newton; Benjamin Franklin; James Watt; Joseph-Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier; Alessandro Volta; Eli Whitney; Robert Fulton; Joseph Niepce; George Stephenson; Samuel Morse; Michael Faraday; William Talbot; Charles Goodyear; Robert Stephenson; Elias Howe; Christopher Sholes; Henri Giffard; Nikolaus Otto; Alfred Nobel; Gottlieb Daimler; John B. Dunlop; Karl Benz; Wilhelm Rontgen; Alexander Graham Bell; Thomas Edison; George Eastman; Rudolf Diesel; Nikola Tesla; Henry Ford; WIlbur Wright; Orville Wright; Guglielmo Marconi; RObert Goddard; Igor Sikorsky; Vladimir Zworykin; Vannevar Bush; Robert Watson Watt; Walter Brattain; Chester Carlson; Frank Whittle; John Mauchly; John Bardeen; Erwin W. Muller; William Shockley; Presper Eckert.

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