
Andy Moog "Lone Star" Dallas Stars NHL Poster - Starline 1994

Andy Moog "Lone Star" Dallas Stars NHL Poster - Starline 1994

  • USD $19.95
Publisher: Starline Inc., 1994
Size: 22¼" x 34½"
Condition: Brand-New, original warehouse stock!

Item #: SC058

An outstanding goaltender whose outstanding career started with Stanley Cup Championships in Edmonton, continued with some spectacular playoff runs in Boston, moved on to Dallas for the early years of the relocated Stars, and finished with an fantastic season in Montreal. A likely Hall-of-Famer, this is a rare chance to own a poster of Andy Moog, and a poster from the early days of the legendary Dallas Stars franchise. Note: this poster is now out-of-print; limited quantity remains in our warehouse.

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